FactMiners Bank Prez Decrees 'Lo-Res' Caylor Hero Day

Pete 'Lo-Res' Caylor is Mega-Scanner Hero at The Softalk Apple Project

Due to his unselfish and heroic dedication to the too-often thankless but ultimately essential and critical task of helping to organize and do the necessary bulk scanning of Softalk issues in advance of our being able to jump all over it playing FactMiners, I hereby decree that Wednesday, March 19th, 2014 is Pete 'Lo-Res' Caylor MegaScanner Hero Day throughout the Land. Hear ye, hear ye! All Friends of Softalk thank you, and I hereby award you a bonus of 500 FactMiners pre-launch game points. :-)

Be it hereby Known and Recorded,
Whealon Diehl
FactMiners Bank President