Softalk Magazine - Volumes 1-4

Softalk Magazine was published September 1980 through August 1984, chronicling pivotal years in Apple microcomputing, in particular, and affordable microcomputing, in general. Over 9,100 pages were published in the magazine's four full years of publication. The Project is currently missing the November and December issues of 1980, and the September, November and January issues of 1981. The available issues consist of 8,710 pages of information-rich content.


Softalk Books

What some or all the books published by Softalk, such as Graphically Speaking
(Mark Pelczarski) or Assembly Lines (Roger Wagner) or All About Applesoft (Doug Carlston) ??? ....
Will these books be posted on the Softalk web page or must one"hunt" down these
books from Amazon and pay a high price???


Good question... If something is still in print

At the start of this project, we are focused specifically on the 'original' Softalk magazine for the Apple Computer community. We have an active Scanning & Preservation SIG which is scanning additional publications put out by Softalk Publishing. We will likely expand the mission of the STAP project to cover digital archives of these other publications.

And then, as you point out, there were the books. Copyrights are most surely reverted to the original authors who may have made other publication or reprint arrangements. For no-longer-in-print AND where the author can be located and permission granted to add to the archive, we would do it.

So, I guess the answer is maybe... but in all reality not an any-time-soon item. Of course, this is a grassroots community project and things can change quickly in unexpected ways based on community interest and involvement. (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink... Join a STAP SIG and help figure out if we can make it so.)